Serverless computing has transformed the way modern applications are built and deployed. By leveraging serverless platforms like AWS Lambda, developers can now create highly scalable web scrapers that lower costs and reduce overhead.
In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore integrating Scrapy, a popular Python scraping framework, with AWS Lambda to perform blazing fast serverless web scraping.
The Benefits of a Serverless Web Scraping Architecture
Traditionally, web scraping required provisioning and maintaining servers to handle the load. This meant idle resources when not scraping and limited ability to scale up.
Serverless architectures solve these problems by abstracting away servers entirely:
- AWS Lambda automatically runs code in response to events
- Resources scale up and down precisely with demand
- Pay only for the compute time used
As a real-world example, here‘s how serverless can optimize costs for a web scraping project:
Architecture | Monthly Cost |
Traditional (4 servers) | $1000 |
Serverless | $250 |
By leveraging serverless, we reduce the monthly cost by 4X! The savings come from completely eliminating time servers are idle between scrapes.
Beyond cost, key benefits include:
- Handle unexpected traffic spikes – Scale up from 100 to 1000 concurrent scrapes
- No DevOps overhead – Focus on code instead of infra
- Built-in redundancy – Server failures are handled automatically
Let‘s look at how AWS Lambda provides these benefits.
An Introduction to AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda is a leading serverless platform that lets you run code without managing servers.
Key features include:
- Flexible triggers – Execute code in response to HTTP, S3, SQS, etc
- Ephemeral compute – Containers provisioned per execution
- Auto-scaling – Thousands of parallel executions
- Pay per use – 100ms billing increments
This makes Lambda ideal for workloads like web scraping that are:
- Event-driven – Scraping triggered by a URL queue
- Spiky traffic – Unpredictable spikes in number of pages needed
- Short executions – Scrape each page in seconds
By leveraging Lambda for web scraping, we only pay for the compute time used. The rest is handled by AWS.
Running Web Scrapers on Lambda
To run Python web scrapers on Lambda, we need to:
- Package dependencies – Upload libraries like Scrapy in a deployment package
- Create handlers – Entry point that imports and runs scraper code
- Configure triggers – Invoke function on HTTP event, S3 upload etc
Lambda provides additional integration options:
- Layers – Add binaries like Chrome without rebuilding package
- Environment variables – Pass secrets and credentials securely
- VPC access – Scrape private sites within VPC
- Monitoring – X-Ray, CloudWatch Logs, metrics for debugging
This enables running fully-featured scraping pipelines on Lambda‘s scalable serverless infrastructure.
Next, let‘s look at how Scrapy fits in.
An Introduction to Scrapy – A Powerful Web Scraping Framework
Scrapy is a popular open source framework for scraping data from websites. Built in Python, key features include:
- Crawling – Navigate sites by following links
- Extracting data – Use CSS selectors and XPath to extract elements
- Spiders – Modular crawlers that scrape different sites
- Pipelines – Post-process and store scraped items
- Out-of-box exports – JSON, CSV, XML with S3 support
- Dynamic pages – Integrate with Splash to render JavaScript
- Concurrency – Control number of requests
- Throttling – Set politeness policies and delays
This makes Scrapy perfect for building complex scraping pipelines. It handles crawling entire websites, parsing responses, and outputting structured data.
Some examples of Scrapy‘s versatility:
- Scraping ecommerce sites by following category links
- Extracting article titles, authors, and text on news sites
- Gathering business listings from Yellow Pages directories
- Building comparison shopping engines for price monitoring
- Generating datasets from public government data
These examples demonstrate how Scrapy provides the core functionality needed for production-grade web scraping.
Why Scrapy is Ideal for Serverless Scraping
Scrapy provides two key advantages when shifting to serverless architectures:
Fine-tuned control over concurrency – Scrapy handles parallel requests and politeness settings which is essential for optimizing serverless scalability and minimizing costs.
Modular spiders – The spider abstraction allows running separate scraping workflows in different Lambda functions.
By combining Scrapy and Lambda, we get the best of both worlds – easy parallelism from Scrapy and infinite scalability from Lambda.
Next let‘s go through a hands-on example.
Hands-On Example: Building a Serverless Web Scraper with Scrapy and Lambda
To demonstrate serverless scraping in action, we‘ll walk through an example using Scrapy on AWS Lambda to scrape book data.
The goal is to scrape book titles, authors, and prices from an online bookstore:
Here are the steps we‘ll cover:
- Create Scrapy spider
- Configure AWS Lambda function
- Deploy scraper package
- Run spider through Lambda
- Check scraped output
Step 1 – Creating the Scrapy Spider
First, we‘ll create a Scrapy spider to scrape the bookstore:
import scrapy
class BookSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = ‘books‘
allowed_domains = [‘‘]
start_urls = [‘‘]
def parse(self, response):
for book in response.css(‘article.product_pod‘):
yield {
‘title‘: book.css(‘h3 a::attr(title)‘).get(),
‘price‘: book.css(‘.price_color::text‘).get(),
‘author‘: book.xpath(‘./h3/following-sibling::p/text()‘).get(),
next_page = response.css(‘ > a::attr(href)‘).get()
if next_page is not None:
yield response.follow(next_page, callback=self.parse)
This spider will crawl through all the pages and extract info for each book.
Step 2 – Configuring the Lambda Function
Next, we need to configure a Lambda function to run the spider:
from scrapy import signals
from scrapy.signalmanager import dispatcher
def lambda_handler(event, context):
dispatcher.connect(stop_reactor, signal=signals.spider_closed)
from spiders.books import BookSpider
scraper = BookSpider()
except Exception as e:
raise e
return {
‘statusCode‘: 200,
‘body‘: ‘Scrape completed‘
def stop_reactor():
from twisted.internet import reactor
This serves as the entry point that imports our spider and handles shutting down cleanly.
To deploy, we use the Serverless Framework and create a serverless.yml
service: book-scraper
name: aws
runtime: python3.8
region: us-east-1
handler: lambda_handler.lambda_handler
- arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:layer:chrome:1
This config sets up Lambda, layers for headless Chrome, and points to our handler.
Step 3 – Deploying the Scraper
We bundle the code into a .zip deployment package:
pip install scrapy -t ./package
zip -r .
Then deploy using Serverless:
serverless deploy
This uploads the package to Lambda and sets up the function.
Step 4 – Triggering the Scraper
To run the spider, we invoke the Lambda function through the AWS CLI:
aws lambda invoke --function-name book-scraper response.json
This triggers the spider asynchronously. We can view the logs in CloudWatch.
Step 5 – Checking the Output
Since Scrapy automatically exports scraped items, the output is saved to an S3 bucket we configured:
The output contains all the scraped books in JSON format.
This demonstrates the end-to-end workflow for running Scrapy spiders through Lambda. The serverless architecture enables it to scale across the entire bookstore site without any servers to manage.
Adding Proxy Support for Large-Scale Scraping
An important task when scraping large sites is adding proxy support. This helps circumvent blocks and scale to higher request volumes.
Here is how to integrate proxies using the scrapy-rotating-proxies
1. Install the library
pip install scrapy-rotating-proxies
2. Enable the downloader middleware
# ...
‘rotating_proxies.middlewares.RotatingProxyMiddleware‘: 610,
‘rotating_proxies.middlewares.BanDetectionMiddleware‘: 620,
3. Configure proxies
‘http://proxy2‘ # Add your proxies
This will rotate across the list scraping through different IPs.
For more advanced setups, a dedicated proxy service like BrightData offers 30M+ residential IPs optimized for scraping. This takes care of proxy pools, rotation, and managing blocks.
Architecting a Distributed Web Scraping Pipeline
A key benefit of serverless is the ability to coordinate and scale multiple functions. For web scraping, this allows dividing work across an orchestrated pipeline.
Here is an example distributed scraping architecture on AWS:
- SQS Queue – Holds list of URLs to scrape
- URL Lambda – Reads queue and invokes site-specific scrapers
- Scrapy Lambdas – Scrapes different sites and publishes data
- DynamoDB – Stores scraped results
- S3 – Stores scraped files as backup
By breaking the pipeline into separate functions, we can:
- Scale each component independently – Add more Scrapy Lambdas when needed
- Process different sites – Route URLs to custom spiders
- Retry on failures – Requeue failed URLs automatically
We can tie this together using AWS Step Functions to create our orchestration workflow.
Monitoring and Debugging Scrapy/Lambda
When building complex pipelines, we need visibility into what‘s happening. Some key tools for monitoring include:
AWS X-Ray – Traces requests and latency across services
CloudWatch Logs – Logs from Lambda and Scrapy
Sentry – Unified error monitoring
Grafana – Visualize metrics for Lambda invocations, durations, memory, etc
Datadog / New Relic – End-to-end observability with distributed tracing
Failures can be tricky with distributed systems – these tools help pinpoint issues.
For debugging Scrapy on Lambda:
- Reproduce locally first before deploying
- Test Lambdas individually before orchestrating
- Enable DEBUG level logging in Scrapy and Lambda
- Use S3 for remote logging
- Perform staggered rollouts to catch bugs
With proper monitoring and validation, we can build reliability into our pipelines.
Wrap Up
In this guide, we explored how to combine Scrapy and AWS Lambda to implement a serverless web scraping architecture. Here are some key takeaways:
- Serverless computing eliminates overhead of servers and scales seamlessly
- AWS Lambda provides flexible compute that can run Scrapy spiders on demand
- Scrapy handles the complexity of crawling, parsing, and data extraction
- The two combine perfectly to enable massively scalable web scraping
- Additional techniques like proxies and orchestration maximize scale and throughput
The world of web scraping is shifting towards serverless. I hope this guide provided useful techniques to help you adopt serverless architectures and unlock new levels of scale for your data projects. Let me know if you have any other questions!