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Extracting Data from Baidu Search with Python: An In-Depth Guide

As the dominant search engine in China, Baidu provides access to a vast amount of data for those who know how to scrape it. However, Baidu actively blocks bots and scrapers, making extraction challenging. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll demonstrate how to successfully scrape Baidu search results using Python.

Introduction to Baidu Search Engine

For readers unfamiliar with Baidu, let‘s first examine its search results page:

  • Organic results – Like Google, Baidu displays algorithmic results for search queries. Scraping these can provide insights into trending topics.
  • Paid results – Baidu allows sponsored listings at the top of results marked "广告". Companies bid for placement.
  • Related searches – Help users refine queries and discover more related content.

According to Statista, Baidu commanded over 70% of China‘s search engine market share in 2024. Tapping into such a valuable data source requires a robust scraping solution.

Roadblocks to Scraping Baidu

Baidu actively fights scrapers and bots with various obstacles:

  • CAPTCHAs – Block automated requests and require human verification.
  • IP blocking – Access denied from suspicious IP addresses associated with bots.
  • Dynamic pages – HTML changes frequently, making elements hard to locate.

Maintaining a Baidu scraper requires constant updates and effort to overcome anti-scraping measures. This is where leveraging a purpose-built web scraping API can help significantly.

Generally, scraping publicly available data from search engines is permissible with some limitations:

  • Avoid logging into sites or accessing private/personal info.
  • Ensure compliance with copyright laws and other regulations on scraped data.

Best practice is consulting an attorney, especially before scraping at large scale. Only extract data you have the right to use.

Scraping Baidu in Python with a Web Scraping API

Now let‘s walk through a hands-on example of scraping Baidu search in Python using a web scraping API:

Set up a Python Virtual Environment

First, we‘ll create a virtual environment to isolate our dependencies:

python -m venv scraper-env 
source scraper-env/bin/activate
pip install requests

Virtual environments keep your scraper dependencies from conflicting with other projects.

Import Relevant Python Libraries

We‘ll need the requests library for sending API requests, json for parsing responses, and pprint to display output:

import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint

Define the API Endpoint

We‘ll make requests to the API endpoint provided when you obtain your access credentials. For example:

API_URL = ‘‘

Pass API Credentials

Authentication is required to use the API. We‘ll define our access key and secret:

auth = (‘abc123‘, ‘456xyz‘) 

Get your unique API credentials by signing up with a scraping service provider.

Create a Payload with Custom Parameters

To customize the search results, we can pass query parameters in a dictionary payload:

params = {
  ‘source‘: ‘baidu‘,
  ‘query‘: ‘phones‘,
  ‘limit‘: 20

Supported parameters include page, limit, query, domain and many more.

Send the Search Request

With the URL, auth, and payload ready, we can make the POST request:

response =, json=params, auth=auth)

The API will handle CAPTCHAs, IP rotation, and other challenges under the hood!

Parse and Print the JSON Response

Finally, we parse the JSON response using the json library and print the results:

results = json.loads(response.text)

The response contains all the scraped phone-related listings from Baidu search!

Sample Code Overview

This full example summarizes scraping Baidu with our API:

# Import libraries
import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint

# API endpoint and credentials   
API_URL = ‘‘
auth = (‘abc123‘, ‘456xyz‘)

# Payload with query parameters  
params = {
  ‘source‘: ‘baidu‘,
  ‘query‘: ‘phones‘, 
  ‘limit‘: 20

# POST request to API
response =, json=params, auth=auth)

# Parse JSON response
results = json.loads(response.text)

While only 11 lines long, this script lets us easily extract data from Baidu at scale!


Scraping a complex site like Baidu requires robust tools to overcome anti-scraping systems. As demonstrated in this guide, combining Python with a specialized web scraping API provides an effective approach to extracting Baidu data. The API handles the underlying challenges, while Python allows customizing queries and processing results. With the fundamentals covered here, you should have a blueprint for building your own Baidu web scraper! Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.


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