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The Complete Guide to Testing REST APIs with cURL

cURL is one of the most ubiquitous tools used by developers to test REST APIs. In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn how to fully utilize cURL for testing API requests and responses.

We‘ll start with a quick overview of cURL, then jump into hands-on examples, tips and tricks, detailed debugging techniques, and finally wrap up with discussing alternatives and limitations of using cURL for testing APIs.

A Brief History of cURL

cURL first emerged in 1997 as an open source project started by Swedish developer Daniel Stenberg. The name stands for "Client URL", and it was designed as a command line tool for transferring data using various protocols.

Over the last 25+ years, cURL has become practically synonymous with making HTTP requests. Its adoption steadily grew thanks to being included in many Linux distributions and macOS. Today, cURL remains one of the most used HTTP client libraries and tools.

Let‘s explore what makes cURL so ubiquitous for testing REST APIs.

An Overview of cURL Capabilities

cURL supports a wide range of use cases:

  • Making HTTP requests with any method – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
  • Customizing requests with headers, body data, parameters
  • Authentication – user credentials, API keys, secure tokens
  • Downloading and uploading files via FTP, SFTP
  • Scraping data from web pages
  • Automating transfers with scripting capabilities

cURL has over 100 command line options and supports around 22 protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, LDAP, MQTT, POP3, RTSP, RTMP, and SMTP.

This makes cURL a very versatile tool both for developers working with APIs as well as sysadmins, DevOps engineers, and testers interacting with various systems.

Next, let‘s go through the steps of using cURL for API testing.

cURL Command Syntax and Structure

The basic format of a cURL command is:

curl [options] [URL]

For example:


This will execute a simple GET request.

Some common options you‘ll want to use:

  • -X – Specify request method like GET, POST, PUT
  • -H – Add request header(s)
  • -d – Add POST data
  • -u – Set basic authentication username and password
  • -i – Include response headers in output
  • -o – Save output to file

You can also chain options together like:

curl -iX POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ‘{"title":"Post Title"}‘

This shows sending a POST request with headers and data.

Next, let‘s walk through some examples of interacting with a sample API using various cURL commands.

Using cURL to Test REST API Calls

We‘ll be making requests to a dummy JSONPlaceholder REST API that allows adding, deleting and updating fake resources.

Let‘s go through both simple and more advanced examples of hitting endpoints with different HTTP methods.

Fetching Resources with GET

Let‘s start by making a GET request to retrieve all posts:


By default cURL will make a GET request. This will return a JSON array of posts.

To add extra output, we can include response headers with -i:

curl -i

And to view request headers as well, use -v:

curl -iv

We can also save response to a file instead of printing to stdout:

curl -o posts.json

Creating Resources with POST

To create a new resource, we‘ll need to make a POST request by passing some data.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ‘{"title":"My New Post","body":"Post content"}‘

Here we use -X POST to change the method, -H to set a header, and -d to pass the request body.

To add basic access authentication:

curl -u username:password -X POST -d ‘{"title":"Post Title"}‘

Updating Resources with PUT

For updating existing resources, we can use PUT requests:

curl -X PUT -d ‘{"title":"Updated Post Title"}‘

This will update the post with ID 1.

Deleting Resources

To delete a resource, pass the -X DELETE option:

curl -X DELETE

And we have now covered making all major CRUD operations using the cURL command line tool!

Of course, there are many additional options for fine-tuning requests which we‘ll get into next.

Common cURL Options and Usage Tips

Beyond basic GET and POST requests, there are many helpful cURL options to customize and debug API calls.

Setting Request Method

Use -X or --request to change HTTP method:

curl -X DELETE

Adding Request Headers

Set one or more headers with -H "Header:Value":

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer token"

Data in Body vs. URL Parameters

For POST requests, data can be passed directly on the command line with -d:

curl -d ‘{"key":"value"}‘

Or, for GET requests, parameters can be passed in the URL:



For basic auth, use -u username:password:

curl -u myusername:password

Or set an Authorization header manually:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Output Options

View response headers with -i:

curl -i

Enable verbose mode to see request headers as well with -v:

curl -v

Save response body to a file instead of printing to terminal with -o:

curl -o file.pdf

There are many more options for controlling how curl functions – far more than we can cover here!

Next, let‘s go over some best practices when using cURL to interact with REST APIs.

cURL Best Practices for Testing REST APIs

When testing REST APIs, here are some tips for making effective use of cURL:

Use proper HTTP methods – Leverage the built-in verbs like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE to perform the appropriate operation instead of relying solely on POST.

Structure requests properly – Include Content-Type and Accept headers to specify formats like JSON or XML. Set other headers like Authorization to match what API expects.

Validate error handling – Check that the API returns appropriate status codes like 400 or 500 for invalid requests and errors.

Inspect raw responses – Look at the raw response body, headers, and status codes instead of relying solely on cURL‘s exit code.

Test with different request sizes – Try small and large payloads to verify the API handles length properly.

Parameterize and script requests – Save frequently used cURL commands to files or scripts to re-run them with different parameters.

Learn from HTTP traces – Use verbose output and traffic inspection to understand the raw HTTP conversation in detail.

Now let‘s look at some ways to debug requests and responses when issues occur.

Debugging REST APIs with cURL

When tests fail or problems occur, you‘ll need to dive deeper into requests and responses to troubleshoot.

Here are techniques for unlocking additional insight using cURL:

Enabling Verbose Output

The -v flag prints full request and response details:

curl -v

Inspecting HTTP Traffic

Proxy tools like Charles allow viewing all traffic between your machine and APIs.

Capturing Packets

Lower-level inspection using tcpdump and Wireshark to analyze network packets.

Saving Responses

Dump responses to files for further analysis:

curl > response.json

Formatting JSON

Pipe JSON output to jq for easy parsing and formatting:

curl | jq

Correlating with Application Logs

Match backend application log entries with cURL requests and responses.

Development teams will often combine multiple debugging techniques to pinpoint issues when working with REST APIs.

Limitations of cURL for API Testing

While being a ubiquitous tool for testing REST APIs, cURL does have some limitations:

  • Not very intuitive or user-friendly interface
  • Difficult to perform complex or sequential test scenarios
  • No built-in assertions or test reporting
  • Lack of developer-focused features like environments, runners, documentation

For API testing needs beyond simple request/response inspection, more full-featured tools are recommended:

  • Postman – Provides complete API development environment
  • Insomnia – Feature-rich REST client with beautiful UI
  • SoapUI – Specialized in SOAP/XML testing as well as REST
  • REST Assured – Java DSL tailored for API testing
  • Karate – Combines API test automation, mocks, and reports

These tools build on cURL‘s foundations but provide enhanced workflows and outputs tailored for testing teams.


While newer API testing tools continue to emerge and evolve, cURL remains a staple that developers rely on for inspecting REST APIs during development. Its flexibility through command line usage and scripting makes cURL invaluable.

By mastering cURL options for constructing requests, inspecting responses, generating traces, and scripting repetitive test cases, you can debug APIs with ease and automate validation checks.

Combined with understanding how to leverage its output for troubleshooting, cURL will remain a "must have" tool for any REST API developer‘s toolbox for the foreseeable future.


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