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Glob vs. Regex: A Pattern Matching Showdown

Hi there! Pattern matching is a crucial skill for working with text and data. When searching through files and documents, pattern matching gives you the power to quickly find what you need through flexible searches. The two most common approaches are glob and regex. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dig deep into how glob and regex work so you can decide which one is best for the task at hand.

A Brief History of Glob and Regex

Glob and regex have taken different paths over the years, evolving into the pattern matching tools we know today.

The Origins of Glob

Globbing originated in early Unix systems as part of the global command for expanding wildcard patterns in the shell. For example, a command like ls *.txt would first expand *.txt into the matching filenames before executing ls to list them.

Over time, globbing capabilities spread from shells into programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and more. The term "glob" became widely used to refer specifically to wildcard-based pattern matching for file lookups.

Today, glob is a standard feature across operating systems, languages, and tools used for straightforward file search tasks.

The Evolution of Regex

Regular expressions also trace back to early Unix systems in tools like ed and grep for text searching. But regex did not remain isolated in the Unix world.

Perl and other scripting languages brought regex matching into the mainstream in the 1980s and 1990s. From there, regex crossed over into practically every major programming language.

Regex evolved into a versatile text processing tool powered by advanced pattern matching capabilities. While glob focuses specifically on filenames, regex can match complex patterns across textual data streams and file contents.

This great expressiveness comes at the cost of increased complexity. But regex remains an essential part of a developer‘s toolkit for challenging text manipulation tasks.

The Purpose and Strengths of Glob Patterns

Now that we‘ve looked back, let‘s discuss when glob patterns shine for pattern matching needs today.

Glob for Simple File Searching

Glob is your best friend for straightforward file lookups based on wildcard patterns. With just a few special characters, glob provides an easy way to find files whose names match a wildcard pattern.

For example, imagine you have a folder containing hundreds of files with varying names and extensions. You need to quickly find all the PDFs. With glob, you could use a pattern like *.pdf to efficiently match all files ending in .pdf.

Intuitive Wildcards

Glob patterns utilize simple wildcards like * and ? that make it easy to build patterns matching your target files. The * wildcard matches any sequence of characters, while ? matches just a single character.

This intuitive syntax means globs are great when you know the general filename structure but want flexibility in the actual text. You don‘t have to memorize dozens of special characters and rules like with regex.

Ideal for Scripts and Automation

Due to their simplicity, glob patterns shine in scripts, automation, and other coding tasks that work with files.

Need to process only CSV files? Use *.csv. Want to find log files from a certain date range? Glob provides an easy way to select those files based on wildcard matching rules.

Globs are a straightforward and user-friendly option for anyone who needs to search for files programmatically.

Glob Syntax and Pattern Matching

Now you know when to use glob. Let‘s look at how to write glob patterns.

A glob pattern is a string that includes wildcards to match against filenames. Here are the main special characters used:

  • * – Matches any sequence of characters
  • ? – Matches a single character
  • [] – Matches any of the characters inside brackets

You combine these wildcards to create flexible patterns matching exactly the files you want.

*The `` Wildcard**

The * wildcard is the most flexible option since it matches any sequence of characters. Use it when you want to cast a wide net.

For example, imagine you have a folder with files:


The glob pattern *.txt would match notes.txt and todo.txt. The * allows any characters before the .txt extension.

The ? Wildcard

The ? wildcard is more targeted since it matches just a single character. This is great when you know the overall structure but want to vary one character position.

For instance, say you have files:


The glob photo?.jpg would match photo1.jpg and photo2.jpg but not photo10.jpg since there are two wildcard characters needed.

The ? lets you hone in when you need just a little more specificity.

Character Sets with []

Square brackets allow you to define a set of allowed characters to match. This provides precise control over a single character position.

For example, imagine log files organized by date:


You could grab just the January logs with log202201[0123].txt. The brackets match 0, 1, 2 or 3 in that position.

Character sets are extremely useful when you need to match specific individual characters at a certain point in the filename.

Putting the Wildcards Together

The true power of glob comes from combining these basic wildcards to create flexible patterns matching exactly the files you want.

For example, say you have files:


You could match just the .csv data files from 2017 and 2018 with: data*201[78].csv.

This glob uses * to allow any text between data and 201, then the character set [78] to match 7 or 8, and finally .csv to specify the extension.

With just a bit of glob knowledge, you can build powerful patterns to hone in on your target files!

Regex vs. Glob – When Should You Use Each?

Both regex and glob provide pattern matching capabilities, but when should you use each? Here‘s a breakdown of when to choose regex vs glob based on their strengths.

Use Glob for Simple File Tasks

Glob shines for straightforward file matching tasks. If you need to locate files by name or extension, glob provides an easy way to search using wildcards.

For example, globs make it simple to find all files of a certain type, like *.pdf or *.log. They also allow basic string matching for finding files that contain certain text like notes-*.

So whenever working directly with the filesystem or writing scripts that process files, reach for glob patterns to match filenames.

Use Regex for Advanced Text Manipulation

Regex is the more advanced option suitable for complex text processing jobs. While globs focus on filenames, regex can match intricate patterns within file contents and data streams.

Regex is the right choice when you need to search for specific text patterns within large amounts of data or documents. Finding email addresses, phone numbers, IDs, and other structured text is a classic use case.

Other examples where regex outshines glob include:

  • Validating input formats (credit cards, codes, etc.)
  • Parsing and extracting text from documents
  • Find-and-replace text transformations
  • Splitting text based on a delimiter

Regex does have a steeper learning curve. But for challenging text manipulation tasks, it provides much greater flexibility than simple glob patterns.

Glob vs. Regex Summary

To summarize:

  • Use glob for straightforward file matching tasks like finding logs or documents. More intuitive and beginner friendly.

  • Use regex when you need to match complex patterns within text. More advanced and powerful.

Keep this quick guide in mind, and you‘ll know which tool to reach for based on the pattern matching job at hand.

Diving Deeper into Regex Syntax and Features

Now that we‘ve covered the basics of glob, let‘s provide more insight into regex syntax and capabilities.

Metacharacters and Special Sequences

Regex patterns make use of metacharacters like . [] {} * + ? ^ $ \ | (). These characters have special meaning and allow you to match positions, repetitions, options, and anchors within text.

For instance, the . metacharacter will match any single character. And repetition qualifiers like * and + match 0 or more occurrences and 1 or more occurrences respectively of the preceding pattern.

Character Classes

Regex allows defining character classes like [abc123] which will match any a, b, c, 1, 2, or 3 in that position. Common predefined classes include \d for digits, \w for word characters, and . for any character.

Grouping and Backreferences

Parentheses ( ) are used to group parts of a pattern together into subexpressions. These groups can be referenced later in the pattern as backreferences like \1 and \2 to match the same text again.

Greedy vs Lazy Matching

By default regex matches are "greedy", returning the longest match possible. Adding a ? after qualifiers like * and + makes them "lazy", returning the shortest match instead.

Lookarounds and Anchors

Lookaround assertions like (?= ) and (?<= ) allow matching text without capturing it. Anchors like ^ for start and $ for end of string help match specific positions.

These are just a few examples of regex‘s expansive syntax for advanced pattern matching needs.

Regex Use Cases and Practical Examples

To demonstrate regex in action, let‘s look at some practical use cases and examples.

Validation and Data Filtering

A common use for regex is validating that user input matches an expected format like emails, phone numbers, zip codes, etc. For example, the regex \d{5}(-\d{4})? could match US zip codes.

Regex can also filter lines of data matching a pattern, like finding all the phone numbers in a CSV file to build a contact list.

Text Extraction and Parsing

When scraping data from websites, documents, and APIs, regex is invaluable for extracting and parsing the text into structured data.

Capture groups allow pulling out pieces of text into variables. For example, (\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) would parse dates into year, month, and day components.

Find and Replace

Regex makes find-and-replace operations like search-and-replace on steroids. You can craft replacement patterns transforming text in powerful ways.

For example, switching date formats from MM-DD-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD by replacing (\\d{2})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4}) with $3-$1-$2.

String Splitting

Need to split text into an array? Regex provides an alternative to string splitting by character.

For instance, "Hello world".split(/\s+/) would split the string on any whitespace into ["Hello", "world"].

These examples demonstrate regex‘s versatility for text manipulation tasks.

Optimizing Regex Performance

When using regex, it helps to keep performance considerations in mind. Here are some tips for optimizing and improving regex speed.

Simplify Patterns

Unnecessarily complicated regex patterns can slow things down. Simplify patterns by removing duplicative parts, unnecessary capture groups, and excessive alternation | options.

Avoid Excess Backtracking

Backtracking happens when a regex pattern returns to try new options after a partial match fails. Too much backtracking can bog down performance. Design patterns to avoid excessive backtracking loops.

Use Anchors

Anchors like ^ and $ force matching at specific string positions. This avoids scanning the whole string character-by-character for a match, improving speed.

Compile Patterns in Advance

In languages like JavaScript, compiling regex patterns in advance and reusing the same instance saves unnecessary recompilation.

// Compile once
const emailRegex = new RegExp(‘^\w+@\w+\.\w+$‘); 

// Reuse 

Benchmark and Test

When optimizing regex performance, test alternatives and benchmark speed. Improving regex speed often requires trial and error to find the right balance.

By following best practices and testing your patterns, you can achieve blazing fast regex performance.

Real World Examples Using Glob and Regex

To ground these concepts in practical examples, let‘s look at some real world use cases for both glob and regex.

Glob Example: Finding Log Files

Server logs are often named with timestamps like:


To collect yesterday‘s log, you could use the glob app-$(date -d "1 day ago" +%Y%m%d).log which inserts yesterday‘s date dynamically.

Then to grab the last 3 days, build on that pattern:

app-$(date -d "2 day ago" +%Y%m%d).log  
app-$(date -d "1 day ago" +%Y%m%d).log

This demonstrates using glob to flexibly gather log files from a range of dates when the exact names are unknown.

Regex Example: Extracting Website Data

When scraping data from websites, regex can parse and extract text from HTML.

For example, say we want to grab product listings from HTML like:

<h2 class="product">Widget</h2>
<p class="price">$19.99</p>

<h2 class="product">Gadget</h2> 
<p class="price">$29.99</p>

The regex <h2 class="product">(.*)</h2>\s*<p class="price">(.*)</p> would capture the product name and price into groups to extract.

Regex provides the power to parse patterns from messy real-world data.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

We‘ve covered a ton of ground comparing glob and regex! Here are some key tips to help choose which pattern matching approach is right for your needs:

  • Use glob for simple file lookups and wildcards. Perfect for scripts and automation tasks.
  • Regex allows matching complex patterns in text data. Useful for search, parse, transform, and validate.
  • Glob is more intuitive, while regex offers advanced custom pattern matching capabilities.
  • Know the wildcards like *, ?, and [] that give glob its flexibility.
  • Study regex special characters, anchors, groups, and quantifiers to unlock its full power.
  • Benchmark and optimize regex performance where speed is critical.

For next steps, I recommend really practicing with glob and regex hands-on. Start by trying some simple file lookups using glob patterns. Then work through some regex tutorials to get comfortable with its syntax. Real world experience will soon have youPattern matching with the best of them!

I hope this guide gives you a comprehensive introduction to getting the most from glob and regex. Let me know if you have any other questions!


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