Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting data and content from websites. Instead of manually copying and pasting information, you can use code to quickly gather large amounts of data from multiple web pages. Web scraping has many useful applications, from data mining for research to tracking prices and building databases.
While languages like Python are often associated with web scraping, you can actually build robust web scrapers using Visual Basic in the .NET framework. In this in-depth tutorial, we‘ll walk through how to scrape websites using VB step-by-step, from basic scraping of static pages to advanced techniques for dynamic sites. Let‘s get started!
Why Use Visual Basic for Web Scraping?
Visual Basic (VB) is an approachable yet powerful programming language that integrates seamlessly with the .NET platform. If you‘re already familiar with VB and .NET, it‘s convenient to leverage those skills for web scraping rather than learning a new language.
VB provides a full-featured IDE in Visual Studio and extensive libraries for tasks like making HTTP requests and parsing HTML. You can even use NuGet packages to easily add open-source libraries for more advanced functionality. And when you need to process and store the data you‘ve scraped, you can take advantage of .NET‘s wide-ranging capabilities.
Setting Up a Visual Basic Web Scraping Project
To get started with web scraping in VB, you‘ll need to set up a new project in Visual Studio:
- Open Visual Studio and create a new Visual Basic Windows Forms App project
- Give the project a name like "WebScraper" and choose a location to save it
- Right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer and select "Manage NuGet Packages"
- Browse for and install the HTML parsing library "HtmlAgilityPack"
- Design a simple UI by adding a TextBox for the URL to scrape, another multiline TextBox to display the results, and a Button to initiate scraping
Here‘s a screenshot of what your form might look like:
Scraping a Static Website with VB
Many websites deliver all of their content statically, meaning the full HTML of the page is returned when you request the URL. For these kinds of sites, you can build a basic web scraper in VB that fetches the HTML and parses out the data you want.
We‘ll use the Wikipedia page on web scraping for this example. Here‘s the code to request this page and extract some sample data using HTML Agility Pack:
Imports System.Net
Imports HtmlAgilityPack
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ScrapeButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ScrapeButton.Click
Dim url As String = UrlTextBox.Text
Dim web As New WebClient()
Dim html As String = web.DownloadString(url)
Dim doc As New HtmlDocument()
Dim contentNode As HtmlNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id=‘mw-content-text‘]")
Dim htmlContent As String = contentNode.InnerHtml
Dim titleNode As HtmlNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h1")
Dim pageTitle As String = titleNode.InnerText
ResultsTextBox.Text = $"Page Title: {pageTitle}{vbCrLf}{vbCrLf}Content:{vbCrLf}{htmlContent}"
End Sub
End Class
This code does the following:
- Retrieves the URL the user entered in the UrlTextBox
- Uses a WebClient to request the HTML content of that URL
- Loads the returned HTML into a new HtmlDocument from HTML Agility Pack
- Selects the main content div using an XPath selector and extracts its inner HTML
- Selects the page title h1 and extracts its text
- Displays the extracted title and content in the ResultsTextBox
When you run the program and click the button, you should see the title and HTML content of the Wikipedia article populated in the results box. You can adapt this same basic approach to retrieve specific tags, attributes, and content from any static web page.
Scraping Dynamic Websites with Puppeteer Sharp
The static web scraping example works great for simple pages, but an increasing number of websites load data dynamically through JavaScript these days. The HTML returned when you request the initial URL is only a skeleton, with the actual content filled in by scripts that run in the browser.
To scrape these dynamic sites, you need a tool that can execute JavaScript and retrieve the final HTML. That‘s where headless browsers come in. Headless browsers are normal web browsers like Chrome, but without a visible user interface. They can load pages and run scripts just like a real browser.
Let‘s try scraping the headlines from the CNN homepage, which loads articles via JavaScript. We‘ll use the Puppeteer Sharp library, which provides a .NET API to control a headless Chrome browser.
First, install the Puppeteer Sharp NuGet package in your Visual Studio project. Then add a new button to your form and use this code:
Imports PuppeteerSharp
Private Async Sub PuppeteerButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PuppeteerButton.Click
Dim browser As Await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(New LaunchOptions With {.Headless = True})
Dim page As Await browser.NewPageAsync()
Await page.GoToAsync("https://www.cnn.com")
Await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(".cd__headline-text")
Dim headlines As Await page.QuerySelectorAllAsync(".cd__headline-text")
Dim results As String = "CNN Headlines:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
For Each headline In headlines
results &= Await headline.EvaluateFunctionAsync(Of String)("h => h.innerText") & vbCrLf
ResultsTextBox.Text = results
Await browser.CloseAsync()
End Sub
Here‘s how it works:
- Launch a new headless browser instance with Puppeteer
- Create a new page and navigate to the CNN URL
- Wait for the headline elements to be loaded on the page
- Select all elements with the "cd__headline-text" CSS class
- Loop through the selected headline elements
- Evaluate a function in the context of each element to extract its inner text
- Build a string of all the headlines and display them in the results box
- Close the headless browser
With this approach, you‘re able to scrape content that only exists in the HTML after JavaScript has run, just like you would see in a real web browser. Puppeteer can also handle submitting forms, clicking buttons, and extracting data from dynamic pop-ups and overlays.
Web Scraping Best Practices
When scraping websites, it‘s important to follow some best practices to avoid issues:
- Always check a site‘s robots.txt file and terms of use before scraping. Some sites explicitly prohibit scraping.
- Limit the rate at which you make requests to avoid overloading servers. Add pauses between requests.
- Use a real user agent string in your request headers so your scraper looks like normal web traffic.
- If a site uses CAPTCHAs or rate limiting, you may need to solve challenges or use proxies to continue scraping.
- Respect copyright and don‘t republish scraped content without permission. Use scraped data only for analysis, research, or personal purposes.
Following scraping etiquette helps ensure that your VB scrapers run smoothly and legally. If you need to scrape sites at a very high volume, consider using a dedicated web scraping API service instead of rolling your own scraper.
Web Scraping APIs
While building your own web scrapers in VB is a great way to gather specific data on a small scale, it can get complicated if you need to scrape lots of sites or large volumes of data regularly. In these cases, using a pre-built web scraping API or service can save you development time and server costs.
For example, the ScrapingBee API provides an easy way to scrape data from static and dynamic websites at scale. Instead of managing your own servers and proxies, you can offload those tasks and focus on processing and using the data you retrieve.
Here‘s an example of calling the ScrapingBee API to scrape a page in VB:
Imports System.Net
Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
Private Sub ScrapingBeeButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ScrapingBeeButton.Click
Dim url As String = "https://www.scrapingbee.com/blog/"
Dim apiKey As String = "YOUR_API_KEY"
Dim client As New WebClient()
client.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
Dim jsonData As String = "{""url"":""" & url & """, ""apiKey"":""" & apiKey & """}"
Dim response As String = client.UploadString("https://app.scrapingbee.com/api/v1/", "POST", jsonData)
Dim json As JObject = JObject.Parse(response)
Dim content As String = json("data").ToString()
ResultsTextBox.Text = content
End Sub
Simply replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with a valid ScrapingBee API key and update the URL to the page you want to scrape. The API will return the full HTML of the page as a JSON-encoded string. You can then parse that HTML using the same techniques as the earlier examples.
Using an API abstracts away many of the underlying complexities of web scraping. You don‘t need to maintain a headless browser or solve CAPTCHAs. The API takes care of those details behind the scenes, letting you retrieve data with simple HTTP requests.
Web scraping is a powerful technique for gathering data from websites automatically. While Python is often the go-to language for scraping, you can also build fully-featured web scrapers using Visual Basic and .NET.
In this guide, we‘ve covered the basics of setting up a VB web scraping project, extracting data from static and dynamic web pages, and following best practices. We also looked at using pre-built APIs as an alternative to scraping sites manually.
Equipped with these tools and techniques, you can start gathering data to use for analysis, research, business insights, and more. Just remember to always respect website owners‘ rules and the law when scraping. Happy scraping!