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How to Find HTML Elements by Class with Cheerio: The Ultimate Guide

If you‘re looking to extract data from websites, there‘s a good chance you‘ll need to select specific HTML elements to get the information you want. One of the most common ways to target elements is by using the class attribute.

In this guide, we‘ll dive deep into how to find HTML elements by their class using Cheerio, a popular and powerful web scraping library for Node.js. By the end, you‘ll be a pro at using class selectors in Cheerio to precisely select the elements and data you need.

What is Cheerio and Why Use It?

Before we get into the specifics of class selectors, let‘s quickly review what Cheerio is and why it‘s so useful for web scraping.

Cheerio is a Node.js library that allows you to parse and manipulate HTML using a syntax very similar to jQuery. It provides a convenient way to extract data from HTML by selecting elements and traversing the DOM, without actually rendering the page like a browser would. This makes it very fast and efficient for scraping.

Some key benefits of using Cheerio for web scraping include:

  • Familiar syntax if you‘re used to jQuery
  • Lightweight and fast since it doesn‘t require a browser
  • Easy to install and use with Node.js
  • Powerful and flexible for selecting elements and extracting data

Now that we know why Cheerio is so handy, let‘s look at how to actually use it to find elements by class.

The Basics: Loading HTML into Cheerio

The first step to using Cheerio is to load the HTML you want to parse into a Cheerio object. You can do this by passing a string of HTML to the cheerio.load() function:

const cheerio = require(‘cheerio‘);
const html = `<ul id="fruits">
  <li class="apple">Apple</li>
  <li class="banana">Banana</li>
  <li class="pear">Pear</li>

const $ = cheerio.load(html);

In the example above, we require the Cheerio module, define a string of HTML, and load it into a $ object using cheerio.load(). The $ object is our Cheerio instance that we can now use to select and manipulate elements.

Using Class Selectors in Cheerio

Now that we have our HTML loaded into a Cheerio object, we can start selecting elements using CSS selectors – including classes.

To select elements by class, you use the dot notation followed by the class name. For example, to select all elements with the class "apple", you would use:

const apples = $(‘.apple‘);

You can also combine class selectors with tag names to narrow down your selection. For example, to select only <li> elements with the class "apple":

const apples = $(‘‘);

Here are a few more examples of class selectors in Cheerio:

// Select all elements with class "fruit"

// Select only div elements with class "fruit" 

// Select elements with both "fruit" and "red" classes

As you can see, class selectors in Cheerio work very similarly to class selectors in CSS. This makes it easy to select elements based on the classes assigned to them in the HTML.

Code Examples: Selecting Elements by Class

Let‘s walk through a couple code examples to cement our understanding of finding elements by class in Cheerio.

Suppose we have the following HTML for a simple shopping list:

  <li class="done">Milk</li>
  <li class="todo">Bread</li>
  <li class="done">Eggs</li> 
  <li class="todo">Cheese</li>

To select all the list items that have already been purchased (with the class "done"), we could use the following Cheerio code:

const $ = cheerio.load(html);

const purchased = $(‘.done‘);
purchased.each((i, el) => {

// Output:
// Milk
// Eggs

Here we first load the HTML into a Cheerio instance. Then we use the $(‘.done‘) class selector to find all elements with the class "done". Finally, we loop through each "done" element using Cheerio‘s each() method and print out its text content using $(el).text().

Let‘s look at one more example. Say we wanted to find the first todo item in our list. We could combine the :first pseudo-class with our class selector like:

const firstTodo = $(‘li.todo:first‘);

// Output:
// Bread

This selects the first <li> element that also has the class "todo". We can then access the element‘s text content as before.

Class Selectors vs Other Selectors

While class selectors are very common and useful, they‘re just one type of selector you can use with Cheerio. Other options include:

  • Tag selectors (e.g. $(‘div‘), $(‘p‘))
  • ID selectors (e.g. $(‘#main‘))
  • Attribute selectors (e.g. $(‘img[alt="logo"]‘))
  • Pseudo-classes (e.g. $(‘li:first‘), $(‘p:contains("hello")‘))

In many cases, you‘ll want to combine multiple types of selectors to precisely target the elements you‘re interested in.

For example, you might use a tag selector to find all <a> elements, then an attribute selector to only keep those <a> elements with a specific href value, e.g:

const externalLinks = $(‘a[href^="http"]‘);

This would select all external links (assuming they start with "http") while ignoring any internal links.

Class selectors can also be combined with other types of selectors for more precise targeting. Some examples:

// Select elements with class "btn" that are also disabled

// Select the last list item with class "active"

// Select paragraphs with class "highlight" that contain the word "sale"  

The key is to think about what elements you need to select, then choose the appropriate selectors to narrow it down. Classes are often a good starting point, but don‘t be afraid to mix and match different types of selectors.

Iterating Over Selected Elements

Once you‘ve selected a group of elements using a class selector (or any selector), you‘ll typically want to do something with each element, like extract its text or attribute values.

Cheerio provides a few methods to make this easy. The most common is the each() method, which lets you iterate over a collection of elements:

$(‘.product‘).each((i, el) => {
  const title = $(el).find(‘.product-title‘).text();
  const price = $(el).find(‘.product-price‘).text();
  console.log(`${title} - ${price}`);

In this example, we select all elements with the class "product", then use each() to loop through them. For each product, we find the elements with classes "product-title" and "product-price" and print out their text.

Other useful methods for working with a selection of elements include:

  • map() – Create a new array with the return value of the callback for each element
  • filter() – Remove elements from the selection that don‘t match a filter
  • first() / last() – Get just the first or last element in the selection
  • eq() – Get the element at a specific index in the selection

Here‘s a quick example using some of these methods:

const prices = $(‘.product-price‘).map((i, el) => $(el).text()).get();
// [‘$10.99‘, ‘$5.99‘, ‘$8.50‘, ...]

const cheapProducts = $(‘.product‘).filter((i, el) => {
  return $(el).find(‘.product-price‘).text() < ‘$10‘;  
console.log(cheapProducts.length + ‘ products under $10‘);

In this code, we first use map() to create a new array of all the product prices as strings. Then we use filter() to get only the products with a price under $10.

Error Handling

One thing to keep in mind when using class selectors (or any selectors) in Cheerio is that your selector may not always match elements in the HTML. If the class names change or elements are removed from the page, your code might not find what it‘s looking for.

To handle this gracefully, it‘s a good idea to check if your selector actually matched any elements before trying to work with the results. You can do this with the length property:

const products = $(‘.product‘);
if (products.length > 0) {
  // Work with products...
} else {
  console.log(‘No products found‘);

This way, if the .product class selector doesn‘t match anything, we log a message instead of trying to loop through an empty selection (which could cause errors).

Tips for Finding the Right Selectors

Sometimes knowing what selector to use to find the elements and data you need can be tricky. Here are some tips to make it easier:

  1. Inspect the elements you want in your browser‘s developer tools. Look at the classes, IDs, attributes, and surrounding elements to get clues about what selectors might work.

  2. Use multiple selectors to drill down to exactly what you need. Don‘t be afraid to chain together tag names, classes, pseudo-selectors, and more.

  3. If classes and IDs are generated dynamically and prone to change, consider using attribute selectors instead. For example, look for data attributes that are less likely to change.

  4. Don‘t forget you can search through text too! The :contains() pseudo-selector is handy for finding elements with specific text.

  5. When in doubt, test your selectors in the browser console first to make sure they work as expected before using them in your Cheerio code.

Cheerio Alternatives

While Cheerio is a great choice for many web scraping projects, it‘s not the only option. Some other popular libraries and tools for web scraping with JavaScript include:

  • Puppeteer – A Node.js library that provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome. Puppeteer can handle pages that require JavaScript, but is generally slower than Cheerio.

  • jsdom – A pure-JavaScript implementation of the DOM and HTML standards. It can be used to load and interact with HTML documents in Node.js, similar to Cheerio.

  • Selenium – A tool for automating web browsers, often used for testing but also suitable for scraping. It supports multiple languages including JavaScript.

  • Scrapy – A popular Python framework for building web scrapers. If you‘re comfortable with Python, Scrapy is a powerful and extensible option.

Which tool is right for you will depend on your specific scraping needs and comfort level with different languages and libraries. However, for many projects, Cheerio is a great choice due to its speed, simplicity, and jQuery-like API.


In this guide, we‘ve taken an in-depth look at how to find HTML elements by class using Cheerio. We‘ve covered:

  • What Cheerio is and why it‘s useful for web scraping
  • How to load HTML into a Cheerio object
  • Using class selectors to find elements
  • Combining class selectors with other types of selectors
  • Iterating over selected elements to extract data
  • Error handling for when selectors don‘t match
  • Tips for finding effective selectors
  • Alternatives to Cheerio for web scraping

Hopefully you now feel confident in your ability to select elements by class with Cheerio and put it to use in your own web scraping projects! The techniques we‘ve covered will let you precisely target the data you need and extract it efficiently.

As you‘ve seen, Cheerio‘s familiar jQuery-style API makes it easy to get up and running with web scraping in Node.js. Whether you‘re building a one-off script or a more complex scraping pipeline, Cheerio is a powerful tool to have in your kit.

So what are you waiting for? Go forth and scrape! And don‘t forget, if you need help choosing selectors, the browser developer tools and some experimentation are your best friends. Happy scraping!

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