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How to Block Resources in Playwright with Python for Web Scraping

When scraping websites with Playwright and Python, you may sometimes want to block certain types of resources from loading. This can help make your scraper faster and more efficient by saving on bandwidth and computation. Blocking resources can also help avoid detection by preventing your scraper from loading ad trackers, analytics, and other superfluous content.

In this guide, we‘ll take an in-depth look at how to intercept and block network requests in Playwright using Python. I‘ll show you several practical techniques and walk through detailed code examples. By the end, you‘ll be equipped to optimize your own web scraping projects by blocking any resources you don‘t need.

What is Playwright?

First, a quick refresher on what Playwright is and how it fits into the web scraping landscape. Playwright is an automation library for interacting with web browsers, much like Selenium and Puppeteer. It allows you to programmatically control a real browser and perform actions like visiting URLs, clicking buttons, filling out forms, and extracting data from web pages.

What sets Playwright apart is its modern, cross-browser API and support for multiple programming languages, including Python. It also has some handy features tailored for web scraping, such as a built-in way to route and intercept network requests, which we‘ll leverage to block resources.

Why Block Resources?

So what‘s the point of blocking resources when web scraping? There are a few key reasons:

  1. Improve performance and efficiency. Many webpages include tons of large images, videos, stylesheets, scripts, and other resources that aren‘t actually needed for scraping. Blocking these can significantly reduce bandwidth usage and speed up your scraper.

  2. Avoid detection. Loading lots of ads, trackers, and analytics is a surefire way to alert a website that you‘re scraping it. Blocking these resources makes your scraper‘s activity look more like an ordinary user.

  3. Declutter scraped data. Blocking unnecessary resources also declutters the data you‘re left to parse and extract from. With less junk to sift through, you can focus on just the essential content you‘re truly after.

  4. Customize browser behavior. In general, blocking requests gives you fine-grained control over how the browser behaves as you scrape. You can shape exactly what gets loaded and what doesn‘t.

With the rationale for blocking resources laid out, let‘s get into the nuts and bolts of how to actually do it in Playwright and Python.

Intercepting and Routing Requests

The key to blocking resources in Playwright is intercepting and routing the browser‘s network requests. Playwright lets you register a function that gets called for each request, where you can choose to either allow it, block it, or modify it.

Here‘s a simplified example of how to set up request interception:

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright

def block_images(route):
    if route.request.resource_type == "image":

with sync_playwright() as p:
    browser = p.chromium.launch()
    page = browser.new_page()
    page.route("**/*", block_images)
    # Rest of scraping logic

In this snippet, we define a function block_images that gets called for every request. It checks if the request is for an image resource, and if so, blocks it by calling route.abort(). Otherwise, it allows the request to continue.

We register this function using page.route(), passing it a wildcard URL pattern to match all requests. Then we tell the page to visit a URL and proceed with the rest of our scraping as usual. Easy enough!

This example demonstrates the general concept, but in real-world scraping projects you‘ll likely want to apply more nuanced filtering logic. Let‘s look at a few common techniques.

Blocking Based on Resource Type

One of the most straightforward ways to decide which resources to block is by checking the resource_type attribute, as we saw in the image blocking example above. Playwright provides a variety of built-in resource types, including:

  • document: The main HTML document.
  • stylesheet: CSS stylesheets.
  • image: Images of various formats.
  • media: Audio and video content.
  • font: Font files.
  • script: JavaScript files.
  • xhr: XMLHttpRequest and fetch requests.

You can target any of these categories in your request interceptor logic. For example, here‘s how you could block both images and stylesheets:

def block_images_and_css(route):
    if route.request.resource_type in ("image", "stylesheet"):

Blocking by resource type is often the quickest way to speed up a slow scraper. You‘d be surprised how much cruft you can strip away without affecting the data you can pull out of a page.

Blocking Specific URLs

In addition to filtering by resource type, you can also choose to block or allow requests based on their URL. This allows more surgical precision in controlling exactly which resources get loaded.

To demonstrate, let‘s cook up an example that blocks all requests to any URL containing "ads" or "tracking" in the path, as well as any requests to third-party domains:

def block_ads_tracking_and_third_party(route):
    if "ads" in route.request.url or "tracking" in route.request.url:
    elif not route.request.url.startswith(""):

Here we‘re using simple string checks on the request.url property to make our blocking decisions, aborting any request that matches our criteria. You could also use regular expressions for more complex URL pattern matching.

Blocking based on URL is useful for surgically removing distracting content, scripts, and other resources that you know you don‘t need just based on where they‘re coming from. Common candidates include ad networks, social media widgets, analytics trackers, and CDN subdomains.

Allowing Only Certain Domains

Sometimes it‘s easier to specify which domains you want to allow rather than which ones to block. With a little tweak to our routing function, we can implement allow-listing instead:

def allow_first_party_only(route):
    if route.request.url.startswith(""):

Here we allow only requests to URLs that start with our target domain, and block everything else by default. This "allow first-party only" approach is a simple yet often effective tactic – just be careful not to over-block and break the page!

Performance vs Completeness

When deciding what to block, there‘s inevitably a tradeoff between scraping performance and data completeness. Block too much and you might end up with missing or mangled data. Don‘t block enough and your scraper may be inefficient or easily detectable.

The right balance depends on your specific use case, the target website, and your risk tolerance. In some scenarios, you might be able to get away with extremely aggressive blocking and achieve lightning speed. Other times, you may need to tread more carefully and allow more resources to get the data you need.

As a general rule of thumb, start by blocking the obvious junk that you‘re confident isn‘t needed, like ads and trackers. Then gradually get more aggressive, re-running your scraper and checking the results at each stage. Err on the side of caution and don‘t block things unless you‘re sure they‘re not needed.


Blocking resources can be a powerful tool for optimizing web scraping projects. By preventing unnecessary content from loading, you can dramatically speed up your scraper, reduce bandwidth usage, and avoid bot detection.

Playwright makes it easy to intercept and filter network requests with just a few lines of Python code. You can block based on resource type, URL pattern matching, domain allow-listing, or any combination of techniques. The right approach depends on your particular use case and the characteristics of the websites you‘re scraping.

There‘s a lot of room for experimentation and iteration here. The key is striking the right balance between performance and data completeness. Don‘t be afraid to try different configurations and see what works best for you.

Now that you‘re familiar with the basic concepts, I encourage you to try applying these techniques to your own projects. See how much you can optimize by blocking unnecessary resources, and adapt the strategies outlined here to suit your needs.

Happy scraping!

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